TransWave Jamaica

TransWave is a non-governmental organization working to advance the health, welfare, and well-being of the transgender community in Jamaica and the Caribbean.

TransWave is a non-governmental organization working to advance the health, welfare, and well-being of the transgender community in Jamaica and the Caribbean. Founded in 2015, they started as an advocacy initiative in the form of a blog. The idea was formulated by their co-founders Akilah White and Neish McLean during a workshop hosted by WE-Change Jamaica and partners.

Anonymous India grantee partners

Astraea currently supports many grantee partners doing crucial work to support LGBTQI communities in India. For their safety, the names of many of these organizations have been left anonymous.

Ivy Foundation

Ivy Foundation was formed to create awareness for intersex persons and non intersex persons to create a better environment for intersex persons which caters to their needs and is more understanding of their different conditions and advocate for the rights of an intersex person both young and old.

Ivy Foundation was formed in 2016. They recently organized a workshop for journalists with 30 reporters from all three major regions in Malawi: Mzuzu, Blantyre and Lilongwe, as well as a workshop for the LGTBIQ community. The latest lead to the constitution of a monthly peersupport meeting for intersex people. They are building a sustainable organization by investing in staff and an office.

West Africa Trans Forum (WATF)

West Africa Trans Forum (WATF) is a network of Trans * people and/or groups led by Trans, intersex and non-conforming * people in West Africa

West Africa Trans Forum (WATF) was founded in June 2017. It is a network of Trans * people and/or groups led by Trans, intersex and non-conforming * people whose work requires a strong movement both nationally and regionally because they face a great threat in issues of violations and discrimination. The mission of WATF is to address violence, stigma and discrimination against trans people in West Africa and Cameroon through regional advocacy and awareness raising, to ensure trans specific healthcare and HIV care & treatment through sensitization of healthcare workers and key state and non-state actors and to improve the capacity of individuals and organizations through small grants and capacity strengthening initiatives.

alQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society

Active at every level of society, alQaws supports resilient LGBTQ communities and leads a critical social engagement with sexual and gender diversity.

Founded in 2007, alQaws is the leading Palestinian LGBTQ organization working directly with Palestinian civil society to create a sustainable, persistent, community-based social change movement. Active at every level of society, alQaws supports resilient LGBTQ communities and leads a critical social engagement with sexual and gender diversity, challenging deep-rooted misperceptions and sparking new, locally relevant discourse. alQaws’ programs in three primary work areas–individual support, community, and social change–empower community members to become engaged in activist, arts and cultural, education and institutional initiatives; they also organize community members to spark change in LGBTQ-inclusive health, education, and media. Their activities include a National Hotline with a new team dedicated to supporting transgender individuals, regular “Hawamesh” community gender and sexuality discussion events, a training-of-trainers program that prepares a new generation of community organizers working with influential civil society partners, and direct in-depth training of leaders in key Palestinian institutions, such as human rights and youth organizations and schools. In 2013, alQaws embarked on an innovative initiative to reach Palestinian youth through alternative music and pop culture, an effort that brought together over 70 community members, well-known Palestinian singers, and music technicians to collectively write and produce gender and sexuality focused songs. Since then, they have continued to increase the visibility of their creative vision in new local media-focused cultural change initiatives, and expand their reach into established professional and educational sectors. Today, alQaws runs working spaces and active programs in diverse locations that unite fragmented Palestinian communities together across city hubs and rural areas. Drawing from a wealth of activist, professional, and creative capacities, alQaws is promoting alternative approaches to sexual and gender discourse and visibility in Palestinian society, paving the road for a social justice movement in which LGBTQ rights are recognized and accepted as integral to broader sexual and human rights.  

Mujer y Mujer

Mujer Y Mujer pushes the traditional meaning of “woman.”

Mujer Y Mujer was created in 2003 to challenge the social and political visibility of lesbian women, united by the vital need to build community, develop leadership and influence against a backdrop of violence, discrimination and privatization of both public spaces as the body and sexuality of women. Mujer Y Mujer pushes the traditional meaning of “woman.” Since 2009 they’ve championed the leadership of bisexual women and transgender people. They also celebrate ethnic and generational diversity while their community initiatives strengthen the working class. The organization is run by volunteers due to lack of resources for LGBT groups in Guayaquil and LBT activism in particular. They strategically promote the creative role of women and LGBTI + in the integral development of more just and equitable societies; enhancing their political voices from their desires and resistances. Their slogan: Free to Be, Decide and Demand, represents the 3 axes of their philosophy.


Tajassod is a trans embodiment project that focuses on bringing forward information for trans individuals to try to have a healthier and safer future in their “homes”.

Tajassod is a trans embodiment initiative that focuses on bringing forward information for trans individuals to try to have a healthier and safer future in their “homes”. It functions through two strategies: information availability and practical networking. The idea of Tajassod was born in November 2016 out of a need for information and a support network for a trans activist when he started hormone treatment. Despite being an established activist with access to language, internet, lawyers and organizations that cater to trans individuals, many gaps arose. Tajassod’s goal is to enable the trans community to have access to transition procedures, treatment and information locally without them having to migrate/travel from Lebanon to seek friendly and informed medical interventions. It also aims to increase visibility for trans-organized initiatives and integration of trans politics in the civil society in Lebanon. Tajassod is housed by Qorras, which is a relatively new group aimed at politicizing the access to information and creating spaces for mutual learning around gender and sexuality.

Insight Public Organization

Insight Public Organization was created in 2007 by a group of feminist lesbians and trans activists to build a platform for “others,” people marginalized within the LGBT community and broader society.

Insight Public Organization was created in 2007 by a group of feminist lesbians and trans activists to build a platform for “others,” people marginalized within the LGBT community and broader society. Over the past decade, they have established their work nationally as a strong, and well-respected feminist and LGBTQ movement organization that engages in educational, advocacy, cultural and social programs to meet the needs, represent and protect the rights of LBTIQ communities. In recent years, they have also made important gains building public support with broader civil society and social justice allies. For example, they established an Equality Festival in 2014 to be a platform for all oppressed social groups. Despite homophobic threats and right-wing counter-organizing, over the last couple of years, Insight’s Equality Festival has become the most visible cultural festival in Ukraine, traveling to all 5 regions of the country with active participation and mobilization from non-LGBT groups. They are working to achieve new and strengthened legal protections from SOGI-based discrimination and violence, end the currently violent and discriminatory procedures for gender-affirming surgeries and treatment and establish a rights-based legal regulation for intersex people to receive medical help if needed.

Lesbian Organization Rijeka (LORI) & Zagreb Pride Organization

Founded in 2000 and 2002 respectively, Lesbian Organization Rijeka (LORI) and Zagreb Pride are two long-established and experienced LGBTQI organizations contributing to LGBTQI, feminist, progressive and anti-fascist movement advancements in Croatia.

Founded in 2000 and 2002 respectively, Lesbian Organization Rijeka (LORI),, and Zagreb Pride,, are two long-established and experienced LGBTQI organizations contributing to LGBTQI, feminist, progressive and anti-fascist movement advancements in Croatia. Zagreb Pride was originally formed to make the pride march in Zagreb, an important political intervention of its time, into a more sustainable ongoing activist project. Over the years, it has grown to become a leading queer-feminist organization, led by a trans activist and engaged in research, advocacy and direct action as key strategies to assert LGBTQI rights nationally, particularly to reduce violence and discrimination and gain legal recognition of non-normative families. LORI, the first registered LGBTQI group in Croatia, is also recognized as a key leader in promoting LGBTQI identity and culture, building public support for LGBTQI issues and working to attain an inclusive and non-discriminatory educational environment for young people. In 2012, they published an anti-bullying handbook for high school teachers and counselors, and as a result of their patient and consistent educational efforts, became the first LGBTQI group to work directly in high schools and be part of official school programs.

Trans Mreža Balkan

Trans Network Balkan (Trans Mreza Balkan – TMB) formed in 2014 to provide support and empower trans, inter and gender variant (TIGV) communities in post‐Yugoslav countries where they face high levels of gender‐based oppression, discrimination, violence and segregation.

Trans Network Balkan (Trans Mreza Balkan – TMB) formed in 2014 to provide support and empower trans, inter and gender variant (TIGV) communities in post‐Yugoslav countries where they face high levels of gender‐based oppression, discrimination, violence and segregation. TMB is currently most active in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia. Their primary areas of work are providing TIGV persons, especially youth, with information; raising awareness on TIGV issues; providing peer support, convening and connecting TIGV activists; and coordinating joint capacity building and peer‐learning activities. They are catalyzing TIGV leadership by supporting the development of TIGV groups in countries where there is not yet any TIGV infrastructure, and supporting groups to grow and learn through peer exchanges and information‐sharing.