Missouri GSA Network

Missouri GSA Network’s work is to train young trans and queer leaders in Missouri as organizers, activists, healers and community builders.

Missouri GSA Network’s work is to train young trans and queer leaders in Missouri as organizers, activists, healers and community builders. Their programs center why each individual comes to liberation work for folks systematically oppressed. They then use those reasons to train young people in schools and to envision how to do liberatory work well. Missouri GSA network currently has a Youth Leadership Council made up of 19 young people from around the St Louis region which is the programming body of the organization. ‘Sisterhood’ is their program of young trans women of color organizing to love each other and fight back against the systems of transphobia, racism, sexism that exists and continues to murder these young women. They have been building relationships amongst young trans women of color through shared values over the last two years and are now busier than ever.

This organization is supported through the Funding Queerly Giving Circle, which is housed at Astraea.