Associação Lésbica Feminista de Brasília – Coturno de Vênus

Founded in 2003, shortly after the election of former president Lula da Silva, when social movements leveraged political momentum, Coturno de Vênus was founded to ensure that ending lesbophobia and transphobia remained a priority for wider social justice movements.

Coturno de Vênus is a lesbian feminist organization based in Brasília, Brasil. Founded in 2003, shortly after the election of former president Lula da Silva, when social movements leveraged political momentum, Coturno de Vênus was founded to ensure that ending lesbophobia and transphobia remained a priority for wider social justice movements. They used to own a space called “Casa Roxa” where they provided shelter and counseling to lesbian women who needed support facing precariousness and violence. They held many activities and events at the space, which became the only space for lesbian women to gather. They’re committed to promoting lesbian visibility and the right to a dignified life, liberty, equality and security for all lesbians, while building an autonomous, democratic, pluralist, nonpartisan, anti-oppression, anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-LGBTTIphobia and lesbofeminist movement.